Get Started with EV3

EV3 Education Core Set (45544)

LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 is the third version of LEGO’s MINDSTORMS robotics platform. It was launched in September 2013, and follows the RCX (1998) and the NXT (2006).

The MINDSTORMS EV3 kit includes a programmable brick (also known as the EV3 brick), motors, sensors, and LEGO Technic parts. There are two versions of the kit: the Education EV3 Core Set (45544) that is aimed at schools, and the retail version, MINDSTORMS EV3 (31313), that is aimed at the home market. See Which LEGO kit? for a description of the differences between the two kits and a comparison to the NXT kit.

There are a number of options for programming the EV3. The icon-based MINDSTORMS EV3 software is available in education and retail versions and is free to download. The education version can be downloaded here. The EV3 can be programmed in other languages as well, including LabVIEW, ROBOTC, and LeJOS.

Here are some additional resources to help you get started with the EV3:

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Barbara Bratzel

Barbara Bratzel

Barbara teaches at the Shady Hill School in Cambridge, Massachusetts and works at the Center for Engineering and Education Outreach at Tufts University. She is the author of several LEGO robotics activity books for teachers, most recently STEM by Design.
Barbara Bratzel

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