Theย NXT Constructopedia Beta 2.1 (PDF) is a set of building hints for the NXT Education Base Set (9797). It contains smaller hints and a few larger models. Its aim is to provide users with inspiration to build their own advanced creations.
Contents include:
- Simple shapes and structures
- Square
- Reversing trick
- Cube
- Arch
- Beams
- Triangles
- Ways to attach NXT motors
- Simple side
- Underside motor
- Angled back
- Wide back
- Compact motor
- Vertical motor
- Front end setups
- Swivelling front
- Long front
- Sliding front
- Single wheel
- Full car model
- 15-minute building projects
- Swing set
- Merry-go-round
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The Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach (CEEO) in Boston, Massachusetts, is dedicated to improving engineering education in the classroom, from Kindergarten to college. The Center houses faculty, staff, and graduate students from engineering disciplines and the education department.

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