Harvey Mk II is an improved version of the ever-popular Harvester quick EV3 robot build that was published in 2013.
This version features improved stability and has more LEGO connection holes for external attachments.
Building instructions:
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John operates as a Science and STEAM Specialist for students in NSW Primary schools. He is also the founder of “Sci-riffic” – a business that provides Professional Development for teachers in Science and LEGO Robotics. John holds a Bachelor of Education (Primary), a Certificate IV in Training & Assessment and is a qualified electronics technician, with experience in avionics and special effects for film and television.

Latest posts by John Burfoot (see all)
- Harvey Mk II: Improved Quick EV3 Robot Build - 27 September 2018
- EV3 Sensors - 22 March 2018
- EV3 Simulator using RobotC: QEV3BotSim - 31 October 2016
- Programming Bluetooth on EV3 - 13 April 2015
- Building with RCX/NXT lamps and EV3 pieces - 5 April 2015